simone christen x karmameju

Danish skincare company Karmameju approached me about a green watercolor series that they felt would fit well with the company's aesthetic and mindset. Karmameju stands for a holistic approach to beauty, and their products are based on natural, bioactive and organic ingredients. I could really relate to this philosophy and was excited to start this interesting international collaboration!

The plan was to use my images as the basis for designing the company's booth at the prestigious illlum department store in Copenhagen. For Christmas, Karmameju uses now the design for their beautiful gift boxes and cards.

Communication with Karmameju and especially with their founder Mette Skjaerbaek was so easy and nice, and I hope this is just the beginning of a longer relationship. Thank you so much!

Besides nice skincare products Karmameju offers - according to their credo - many useful tips and infos for a healthy and happy life. I can recommend browsing through their aesthetic and insightful website…

the original small series

‘winter fir’’

on gift boxes and cards


interview with new & abstract


artfair 14c - jersey city